Interaction Design Awards Student Design Challenge
The theme
“The Future We Deserve”
How would you transform public services in your cities, suburbs and rural areas for the near future?
The brief
— How would you transform public services in your cities, suburbs and rural areas for the near future?
Our solution
—We chose to focus on personal safety more particularly for women, and decided to create a smart tattoo called “Tactilis”.
I was in-charge of creating the logo for Tactilis.
What is Tactilis?
Tactilis is a bio-wearable smart-tech tattoo that protects women from aggression and sexual abuse. It can be worn flat on the skin and it has sensors that activate in case of danger, sending an alert to the nearest police station and the family members.
After some deep research around the problems we've been having and living in our society, we chose to focus on the theme of body art and security: molestation and sexual abuse. We went in depth in understanding the Trending topic of DuoSkin Smart tattoo, and how can this type of body art be the answer to the cause of molestation and sexual abuse.
— What if we can imagine a different dimension of expressing oneself when it is needed the most?
— How can art improve the efficiency of a public service and change the way we live?
Mapping the journey
As-is journey and To-be journey
We worked on first understanding the journey as-is of women that are victims of molestation and/or sexual abuse. After doing that we have mapped the to-be journey, showing how Tactilis could empower women and save their lives.
Video Submission
The 4 of us finalists worked at the Futurice office in Helsinki, in order to improve the concept by participating in an intense three-day, charette-style competition with student individuals and pairs from around the world, focusing on SapientNitro's brief The Future We Deserve.
During the challenge, we had the opportunity to work with mentors, conference-goers, and the people of Helsinki. We interviewed women in Helsinki in order to understand if they have been victims of sexual abuse or molestation, what would be their reaction if faced with this aweful situation and mainly tried to put ourselves in their shoes. We then talked to them about the solution we were designing and tried to understand if TACTILIS, this smart tattoo would serve well its purpose. Back to the office, we tried to understand how we could improve the initial concept with the insights we gathered.
We organised a booth in which we asked questions and let the participants of the conference help in shaping the concept, asking them where they would like their safety tattoo to be? or how do they imagine the activation interaction of the tattoo?
We collected all the ideas and went through the process of iterating and refining, until we were satisfied of the concept and it's improvement.

On March 4th we were given only 3 minutes onstage at the Interaction16 conference to communicate our design solution.
Music My week with Marilyn by Conrad Pope
Voice over Georges Tomb
Script Swin-June Turk & Debarati Rakshit
Video montage Swin-June Turk